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““Rawness and refinement are not opposite ends of a luxurious spectrum. They are two complementary features with which to populate a luxe environment.” ”
Texture, texture, texture. It’s everywhere! Whether you’re looking at your favorite department stores for a fresh outfit or your monthly “home” magazine subscriptions, you’ll see it every corner you turn. Contrast is the “it” thing. When you venture to your local Home Depot or showroom don’t be afraid to branch out. The way things turn out in the end are incredible. Below we have posted pictures to inspire you to take that risky leap when shopping for a home or updating the one you currently own. You’ll see different wood grains represented, hardware that has a gold or bronze finish, multi-colored cabinets. We think you’l really like what you see! The style we are really enjoying lately in kitchens and bathrooms is when the backsplash run all the way to the top of ceiling in the room. This continuous surface allows for the room to look bigger, taller, and most importantly finished.
Kitchen Examples:
Bathroom Examples:
In many new construction builds you will find that the finishes in the bathrooms and kitchens only stand about 4 inches high. This is a cost effective way to add a finished look without spending a pretty penny. However, if you are looking for ways to update your home or add a custom touch, extending your backsplash is one of the appealing changes to be made.
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