Stuck Inside
The puzzles, board games, and whipped coffee tutorials are now OLD! For some of us, it seems as though quarantine has gotten the best of us. Even our puppy is over it. “Do you wanna go on a walk,” no longer excites him anymore.
In the beginning of our quarantine ventures, we started off in “stocking” mode. Braved all of the chaotic stores and gathered the essentials. It seemed at that point, everyone was in the same boat we were only some people more scared than others. During this phase we weren’t eating the greatest, watched too many Hulu series to, and stayed in our cozy-clothes all day.
^^That became old REAL quick.
Later on, we started drawing the line on our unusual unhealthy habits and started to form as a routine.
Foster Quarantine Tips:
1.) Before you go to bed, make a “To-Do List” for the next day.
Setting your mind on tomorrow’s intentions is a great way to solidify your day, sleep better, put your mind to rest, and also start strong in the day to come.
2.) Go for a morning walk.
Even if this means walking to get coffee because that’s all that will motivate you! It still counts in our book.
3.) Get ready for the day!
Initially this seemed like a waste of time to us. However, it is amazing how much more you get done once you apply yourself. Put on an outfit, spruce up your hair, and throw a little makeup on. You’ll thank us later!
4.) Connect w/ a buddy.
During this odd time we’re in, it is easy to get bogged down by the lack of structure and social interaction. Thankfully technology has made this somewhat doable for us in today’s age. Sure, it’s not as enjoyable as company would be face-to-face. But hey, something is better than nothing!
5.) Self-care treat.
Take at least an hour each day to better YOU! Especially if you have a family to tend to during this time, this could seem nearly impossible because you feel like you are constantly entertaining. YOU still matter! Trust me, your family and/or spouse will be glad you are taking time to better you. Once you put this standard in place, you will feel better and maybe act better too. For us— we know that if we neglect ourselves, it will soon rub off on everyone else. Try it, we dare you!
6.) Go to bed grateful.
This one is tough. Time are tough. Negativity is ALL AROUND right now. It’s difficult to stay motivated, let alone stay thankful. We can relate! Although this is clique and sometimes rough to hear, the little things really do add up. Maybe on Monday you can only think of one thing to show gratitude toward, that’s okay. Why? Because that’s a great start!
Quarantine is tough,
but so are you!