Go Green
It’s outstanding what indoor plant/greenery can do for a room. The trend of houseplants have come and gone many times over centuries. I’m mean think of the 70’s without potted plants and ferns. Despite their coming and going they also have health benefits. Who would have thought something as cute ads a succulent would benefit your health?! Good health, in our opinion, should never go out of style.
Ways that GREEN can help you:
They give an assist in breathing. Inhaling brings oxygen into the body, exhaling releases carbon dioxide.
They help deter illness.
They clean the air.
They boost healing.
They help you work better.
Indoor plant facts:
The NASA researchers recommend one potted plant per 100 square feet of indoor space.
Studies show that this accounts for about 10 percent of the moisture in the atmosphere!
Using plants in interior spaces decreases the incidence of dry skin, colds, sore throats and dry coughs.
The top 10 plants for removing indoor pollutants, according to the agency are: Peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii), golden pothos (Scindapsus aures), English ivy (Hedera helix), chrysanthemum (Chrysantheium morifolium), gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii), mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii'), bamboo palm (Chamaedorea sefritzii), azalea (Rhododendron simsii), red-edge dracaena (Dracaena marginata) and spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum).
Texas A&M, “Keeping ornamental plants in the home and in the workplace increases memory retention and concentration.”
Our Favorite Plant Trends:
Hanging plants
Succulent gardens
Plant stands
Plant walls
Indoor trees